Journal of Management and Administration Provision <p><strong>Journal of Management and Administration Provision (E-ISSN: <span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: medium;">2776-1290, P-ISSN: 2776-1282)</span></span></strong> is an open access and peer reviewed journal includes all the areas of research activities such as Public Administration, Public Services, Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Economic, Trade, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Facilities Planning and Management.</p> Pusat Studi Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan en-US Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2776-1282 <h1 class="page_title">Licensing Statement</h1> <div class="page"> <div class="page"> <div class="page"> <p><strong>Journal of Management and Administration Provision</strong> operates under articles of this journal licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> This allows for the reproduction of articles, free of submissions charge, with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with the <strong>Journal of Management and Administration Provision</strong> accept these as the terms of publication. </p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p> </div> </div> </div> Analysis of the Implementation of Public Service Standards at the District Level <div><em><span lang="EN-US">Service Standards are benchmarks used as guidelines for service delivery and as references for assessing service quality, representing the obligation and commitment of service providers to the community in delivering quality, fast, easy, affordable, and measurable services. This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of public service standards in Penajam Sub-District, Penajam Paser Utara District. The research adopts a qualitative descriptive approach method. Data in this study consist of primary and secondary data, which were analyzed qualitatively, leading to drawn conclusions. Primary data were obtained through in-depth interviews with informants at the Penajam Sub-District Office, including the Sub-District Head, General Affairs Subsection Head, Section Heads, Sub-District Employees/Staff, and service users from the community. The findings of the research are as follows: 1) The overall implementation of public service standards in Penajam Sub-District is reasonably good and sufficiently satisfying to the community. However, there is still a need for improvement and enhancement in the quality of public service implementation; 2) The preparation, establishment, and implementation of Service Standards in Penajam Sub-District have adhered to the principles outlined in Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 15 of 2014, including simplicity, accountability, sustainability, and fairness. However, they have not yet fully incorporated participatory and transparent elements; 3) There are several types of services with detailed per-component service standards that have not been established in the Decree of the Penajam Sub-District Head, Penajam Paser Utara District Number: 060/129/Kec.PNJ-Umum/XI/2023 regarding the Establishment of Service Standards in Penajam Sub-District; 4) Subsequent socialization efforts related to the established Penajam Sub-District Service Standards have not been conducted, thus affecting the understanding of service officers regarding public service implementation; 5) Publication efforts concerning Penajam Sub-District Service Standards have not been undertaken through electronic or non-electronic media.</span></em></div> Anis Sholichah Sri Adrianti Muin Mujahid Mujahid Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-01-08 2025-01-08 5 1 1 18 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.321 Collaboration Process in Prevention of Child Marriage in Central Mamuju District <div><em><span lang="EN">Child marriage is a problem for the government</span><span lang="EN-US"> area, especially in Central Mamuju Regency</span><span lang="EN">. It is a common problem that requires prevention based on collaboration with several stakeholders involved in it. Governance</span><span lang="EN-US">. Research This aims to analyze the collaboration process in the prevention of marriage-age children in Central Mamuju Regency. </span><span lang="EN">This study uses qualitative research methods. </span><span lang="EN-US">Data collection methods include observation, in-depth interviews, and study documentation. Data sources consist of primary and secondary data. Data analysis uses interactive data analysis. As for the informants in the study, they are actors involved​ directly in the collaboration process in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency.</span><span lang="EN-US">Research results show that the collaboration process in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency can it is said Still Not yet walk with good. This is a dialogue between face, commitment in the process of collaboration, and understanding together in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency is still Not yet effective, but there is trust built​ between the actors to prevent and suppress the number of wedding-age children. As for the impact of the results so far this is in the process of collaboration in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency which has still Not yet shown significant changes.</span></em></div> Nilmawiah Nilmawiah Ansar Ansar Gunawan Bata Ilyas Kurniawaty Kurniawaty Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-01-24 2025-01-24 5 1 19 26 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.499 Outcomes and Accountability in Cross-Sector Collaboration on the Implementation of Poverty Reduction Policies in North Kalimantan Province <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Poverty is a problem that is generally faced in almost all developing countries, especially densely populated countries like Indonesia. The problem of poverty is considered one of the factors that can hinder the growth of a nation, including Indonesia. One form of poverty in people's lives is through its political aspect, which is shown by the absence of organizations capable of fighting for the interests of the poor. This research aims to analyze outcomes and accountability in cross-sector collaboration in implementing poverty reduction policies in North Kalimantan Province. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection methods, namely observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The informants in this research are the authorities and are directly involved in cross-sector collaboration on the implementation of poverty reduction policies in North Kalimantan Province. The research results show that there are positive results in the form of increased welfare, education, and access to basic services for the community. Although formal performance assessments at the level of cross-sector coordination have not been carried out, accountability is still maintained through transparent and procedural processes in aid management. This reflects the principle of effective and accountable collaboration in achieving the common goal of reducing poverty</em><em>.</em></p> Iskandar Iskandar Sukri Sukri Muh. Akmal Ibrahim Hasniati Hasniati Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 27 33 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.520 Public Policy Network Implementation: A Case Study in the Development Urban Farming for Sustainable Food Independence in Makassar City <div><em><span lang="EN-US">Urban farming uses land intensification to meet the daily need for fresh fruit and vegetables for residential areas in urban areas. Urban agriculture provides positive value in meeting food needs and practical values ​​that are meaningful for environmental and regional economic sustainability. Urban farming solves the problems above by creating green open space through open land management amid dense buildings and urban settlements. This research aims to analyze the implementation of development network policies for urban farming for sustainable food independence in Makassar City. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection methods, namely observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The informants in this research are the authorities and are directly involved in the development of urban farming for sustainable food independence in Makassar City. The research results show that the implementation of the development policy network urban farming for sustainable food independence in Makassar City, it still needs to be improved through joint actions carried out between stakeholder. This is because there is still a lack of instructors assisting the Women Farmers Group (KWT) which is the target of the program urban farming in Makassar City. So, this influences the sustainability of the activities of utilizing yard land into productive land which can help in food independence for the people of Makassar City.</span></em></div> Mahyudin Mahyudin Muh. Akmal Ibrahim Muhammad Yunus Syahribulan Syahribulan Didik Iskandar Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 34 42 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.513 Managing Goals in the Implementation of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs in North Kalimantan Province <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>This study is intended to determine how the implementation of Managing Goals in the Implementation of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Programs in North Kalimantan Province. By that contained in the Regulation of the Governor of North Kalimantan Province Number 11 of 2023. The data is then compiled in a qualitative study. Based on the results of the study, the research findings show that there are differences in the objectives of the three main elements of this TJSLP program. Starting from companies that see this program not purely as a development program but also as a fulfillment of obligations and the government and society view this program as a whole as sustainable development of the social environment of the North Kalimantan community. As well as the differences in the roles carried out by each stakeholder element in implementing the TJSLP program in North Kalimantan Province.</em></p> Ferdi Manurun Tanduklangi Muh. Akmal Ibrahim Moh. Thahir Haning Badu Ahmad Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-01-26 2025-01-26 5 1 43 49 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.512 Building Lasting Relationships: CRM Strategies and Customer Loyalty Maxim <div><em><span lang="EN-US">The digital transportation industry faces fierce competition which requires strategies to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty as is the case with Maxim transportation services. This study identifies the role of customer relationship management mediated by satisfaction on customer loyalty. This research is quantitative research involving 385 respondents with survey research data collection methods. This research adopts research instruments from previous researchers from reputable journals with Likert scale design instruments. The results of this study reveal that CRM and satisfaction are important aspects in creating loyalty for customers. Satisfaction in this case has shown a partial mediating role, this reveals that CRM will be able to create loyalty whether there is a satisfaction value felt by customers or not. This research recommends that developing Maxim's customer loyalty in Padang City requires a comprehensive CRM strategy. The implementation of this strategy includes Personalization of services through data-based recommendations, Integration of direct communication channels, Improvement of application facilities, such as rating features and digital payments and Management of customer complaints through a clear evaluation system.</span></em></div> Rehan Tri Syoftika Rahmiati Rahmiati Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Management and Administration Provision 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 5 1 50 60 10.55885/jmap.v5i1.521