Health Service Procedures for BPJS Participants in the Inpatient Room of Lasinrang General Hospital, Pinrang Regency

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Arlina Muhtar
Eyastuti Eyastuti
Muh.Yamin Taepe
Eva Wijayanti
Mega Ayu Lestari Totok


Hospital services (RS), are an important public service and are needed in an effort to meet health demands. Services for the poor are one aspect implemented by health service providers such as hospitals through after-sales services by utilizing BPJS funds as operational service activities. The type of research used is a survey system with a descriptive design. The research population is all BPJS participant patients who utilize inpatient services during the study, as many as 101 people who are also research samples based on the exhaustive sampling method where the entire population is used as a sample. The results of the study showed that BPJS participants who utilized health services at Lasinrang General Hospital, Pinrang Regency were mostly in the 20-29 year age group (32.7%), more were women (63.4%) with junior high school education (46.5%) and more worked as farmers (24.8%), more BPJS participant patient admission procedures stated in the good category (69.3%), more doctor services stated in the good category (67.3%), more nurse services stated in the good category (65.3%) and more BPJS participant drug services stated in the good category (72.3%). The suggestion put forward in this study is the need to conduct training on excellent service in order to improve skills in providing services, especially to BPJS participants and treatment planning using the drug procurement method through distributors so that if the drug runs out, the distributor can be contacted and this will support the efficiency and effectiveness of drug procurement that meets the needs of patients, especially BPJS participants who utilize health services at the hospital.

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How to Cite
Muhtar, A., Eyastuti, E., Taepe, M. ., Wijayanti, E. ., & Totok, M. A. L. . (2024). Health Service Procedures for BPJS Participants in the Inpatient Room of Lasinrang General Hospital, Pinrang Regency. Journal of Community Health Provision, 4(3), 139-150.


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