Collaboration Process in Prevention of Child Marriage in Central Mamuju District


  • Nilmawiah Doctoral Student of Management Science, Management Science, School of Management and Bussiness AMKOP, Makassar
  • Ansar Department of Management Science, Management Science, School of Management and Bussiness AMKOP, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Gunawan Bata Ilyas Department of Management Science, Management Science, School of Management and Bussiness AMKOP, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Kurniawaty Department of Management Science, Management Science, School of Management and Bussiness AMKOP, Makassar, Indonesia



Marriage Prevention Child Age, Collaboration Process, Child Marriage


Child marriage is a problem for the government area, especially in Central Mamuju Regency. It is a common problem that requires prevention based on collaboration with several stakeholders involved in it. Governance. Research This aims to analyze the collaboration process in the prevention of marriage-age children in Central Mamuju Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods. Data collection methods include observation, in-depth interviews, and study documentation. Data sources consist of primary and secondary data. Data analysis uses interactive data analysis. As for the informants in the study, they are actors involved​ directly in the collaboration process in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency.Research results show that the collaboration process in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency can it is said Still Not yet walk with good. This is a dialogue between face, commitment in the process of collaboration, and understanding together in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency is still Not yet effective, but there is trust built​ between the actors to prevent and suppress the number of wedding-age children. As for the impact of the results so far this is in the process of collaboration in the prevention of wedding-age children in Central Mamuju Regency which has still Not yet shown significant changes.


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How to Cite

Nilmawiah, N., Ansar, A., Ilyas, G. B. ., & Kurniawaty, K. (2025). Collaboration Process in Prevention of Child Marriage in Central Mamuju District. Journal of Management and Administration Provision , 5(1), 19-26.